Skipton Parish Church of England Primary School

Believing and Achieving Together

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  3. FAO Parents/Carers of children in Suffolk, Cotswold, Swaledale, Teeswater

FAO Parents/Carers of children in Suffolk, Cotswold, Swaledale, Teeswater

23 September 2022 (by Lucy)

We are inviting you to a phonics information session on Tuesday 27th September at 2:30pm in the school hall.
We have begun using a new Phonics Teaching Programme called Essential Letters and Sounds, written by the Knowledge Schools trust, and published by Oxford University Press.
We would like to inform you about how phonics is taught progressively throughout EYFS and Key Stage One to enable children to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to become fluent readers.
The presentation will give you an insight into how and why we teach phonics, and crucially, how you can work with us in partnership to support your child's reading journey at home.
Our aim is to encourage all children to develop a love of reading, and to learn to read, so they can read to learn.
We hope as many of you as possible are able to attend the information session. However, we realise this will not be possible for all, and will endeavour to share information via handouts, Classdojo, and the school website.
Mrs Booth
English Subject Leader